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Writer's pictureLeonardo Numberi

Book of Exodus Chapters 7-12: Signs and Plagues of God

Updated: Jun 17, 2024

Welcome back to our exploration of the Book of Exodus. This time, we will delve into the plagues that struck Egypt in Exodus chapters 7 through 12. In these chapters, we witness how God demonstrates His power through Moses and Aaron to liberate the Israelites from Egyptian bondage.

Let's read the book of Exodus chapter 7-12 first! 📖

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These chapters recount how Pharaoh hardened his heart and refused to let the Israelites go, despite God sending plague after plague. From the waters of the Nile turning to blood to the death of the firstborn child, each plague served as a warning, showcasing God's power and the consequences of Pharaoh's disobedience.

The First Plague: Water Turns to Blood

God turns the waters of the Nile into blood, killing the fish and making the water undrinkable. Although the Egyptian magicians could replicate this sign, the plague caused significant destruction. Yet, Pharaoh remained stubborn and ignored God's warning.

The Second Plague: Frogs

God sends frogs to cover the land of Egypt. They invade houses, bedrooms, and even kitchens. When Pharaoh begs Moses to pray for the frogs' removal, he promises to let the Israelites go but hardens his heart again once the plague is lifted.

The Third Plague: Gnats

With Aaron's staff, the dust of the earth turns into gnats that attack humans and animals. The Egyptian magicians are unable to replicate this plague and acknowledge it as "the finger of God." Yet, Pharaoh's heart remains hard.

The Fourth Plague: Flies

God sends swarms of flies that infest all of Egypt, except for the land of Goshen where the Israelites live. Pharaoh tries to negotiate with Moses, but once the flies are gone, he hardens his heart again.

The Fifth Plague: Livestock Diseased

The livestock of the Egyptians dies from a severe plague, while the livestock of the Israelites remains unharmed. Despite this clear distinction, Pharaoh refuses to let the Israelites go.

The Sixth Plague: Boils

Moses and Aaron scatter ashes that cause boils to break out on the people and animals of Egypt. The magicians cannot stand before Moses because of the boils, but Pharaoh still hardens his heart.

The Seventh Plague: Hail

A devastating hailstorm, accompanied by fire, destroys crops and livestock in the open fields. Pharaoh acknowledges his sin and asks Moses to pray for the storm to stop. However, once the plague is lifted, Pharaoh hardens his heart again.

Eighth Plague: Locusts

Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh again with the threat of sending locusts, insects that would eat up vegetation and cause great destruction in Egypt. Even though Pharaoh finally asked Moses and Harun to pray for his safety, after this plague ended, his heart remained hard.

Ninth Plague: Pitch Darkness

God spread complete darkness throughout the land of Egypt for three days, during which there was no light and people could not see each other. Although Pharaoh offered to let the Israelites leave under certain conditions, Moses refused because the request had to be complete. This pitch darkness was a blow to Pharaoh's pride and power, but his heart remained unmoved to let the Israelites go.

The Tenth Plague: The Death of the Firstborn and Deliverance

God killed every firstborn in Egypt, including Pharaoh's firstborn, as final punishment for Pharaoh's stubbornness. That night, cries of sorrow filled Egypt because of the death of the children. Finally, Pharaoh gave in and asked Moses and Aaron to leave, along with a request that God bless him. The Israelites left quickly, demanding valuable goods from the Egyptians, and they were filled with blessings as they left Egypt.

Application in Daily Life: Beware of a Hardened Heart

These plagues teach us about the dangers of a hardened heart and disobedience to God. When we refuse to listen to God's voice, we may face severe consequences. It is crucial to keep our hearts open and obedient to God's warnings and guidance in our lives.

Reflective Questions: Why Can Our Hearts Be Hardened?

What causes our hearts to sometimes become hardened and unwilling to listen to God?

How can we ensure that we remain sensitive to God's voice and warnings in our lives?

Quote of the Day: Remembering God's Love and Justice

"God is full of love, but also just in His warnings. Learn to listen to His voice and do not harden your heart."

Thank you for joining this exploration. Let us continue to keep our hearts and minds open to listening and obeying God. See you in the next exploration, and remember to hold on to God's love and justice!


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