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Kitab Kejadian Pasal 28: Perjalanan Iman yang Dipenuhi dengan Janji Tuhan
Welcome back, al-Kitāb Student, to our reflection on the Word of God. This time, we delve into Genesis, Chapter 28, which provides an...

Book of Genesis Chapter 27: Delving into the Divine Will
Welcome back, al-Kitāb Student, to our journey through the Book of Genesis. Today, we delve into Chapter 27, a tale rich with intrigue,...

Book of Genesis Chapter 26: Blessings Amidst Uncertainty
Welcome, dear readers, to our journey through the Book of Genesis. Chapter 26 takes us into the life of Isaac, the son of Abraham, as he...

Book of Genesis Chapter 24: A Journey of Love Adorned with Loyalty
Welcome, al-Kitāb Student, to a new journey through the Book of Genesis. Chapter 24 takes us into a story filled with adventure and love...

Book of Genesis Chapter 22: Faith Tested and Nahor's Descendants
Welcome, al-Kitāb Student, to our reflection on the Word of God from the Book of Genesis, particularly Chapter 22. In this chapter, we...

Book Of Genesis Chapter 21: Blessings and Challenges
Welcome, dear readers, to the insightful journey through Genesis Chapter 21. Within its verses, we delve into the birth of Isaac, the...
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